Did you know that every time you swipe your Kroger Plus Card Kroger will give the JDC money? Not only that, it costs you NOTHING!
All you need to do is register your Kroger Plus Card in the Kroger Community Rewards program, and Kroger does the rest. It's fast, it's easy, and it helps our community a lot.
Just follow these simple steps:
- Click Here to visit the Kroger website.
- Sign In by entering your email/password, and click Enroll Now.
- Enter LB921 and click Search. Select Jewish Discovery Center, then click Enroll.
- Reply to this email and tell us you renewed your registration.
- Receive a home-baked Challah, made especially for you by Rochel Kalmanson!
That's it! In a matter of minutes, you will be contributing effortlessly to the JDC AND enjoying delicious Challah.
Remember: signing up for Community Rewards doesn't cost you a dime, and JDC benefits tremendously! That means we all benefit tremendously. Please do it now, and thank you!
Melissa Helton & Nelly Grinfeld
The sooner you sign up, the sooner you'll get your fresh, chewy Challah!